With the opportunities Digital marketing provides, therein no excuse for small businesses to compete with established ones. And one effective way to do it is by creating a blog. Is your business ready to start blogging?
What is Blogging?
Business blogging is a marketing strategy that many businesses are doing to get their business more online visibility. The same with social media, direct mail, and email marketing, a business blog is a marketing channel that helps support business growth. in addition, blogging is an affordable approach as part of your marketing strategies. However, what if you don't have an idea to blog or don't have the time? Good thing, you can hire virtual professionals to do blogging for your website. Virtual professionals will help you create a high-quality blog that incorporates SEO optimization to reach target audience. But, before presenting the benefits to start blogging in your business, allow me to give some advantages that small business embraces because of blogging. Source: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/business-blogging-in-2015
What are the Benefits of Blogging in Your Business?
There are various reasons for blogging in your business. And the most sense for blogging is to drive traffic and scale the business. Why is blogging important? Here are the top five benefits of blogging:
1. Blogs drive traffic to your website
Aside from the fact that your website serves as your business's 24/7 customer service, It is also an avenue to publish blogs when visitors come and get benefits from your free resources. Blogging helps your target readers solve their problem with information or some tutorial that the blog provides. And SEO optimization allows the blog to reach massive visitors, on top of that, you can attract organic traffic to your website. You are getting new visitors from your content instead of direct searches for your company and services. as a result, you are expanding your company's visibility and opportunities. Although you will not see result right away, however, with consistent publishing of quality and relevant blogs, it'll eventually drive traffic to your site.
2. Repurpose blog content for social media
Social media plays a vital role in making your business relevant. in addition, it enables your business tp create awareness, promote your products or services, and build a community. And using the publish blogs on your social media is a great way to bring your SM community to your website. Other digital forms where you can repurpose your blog are videos, podcast, newsletters, infographics, and anything that will generate inbound links.
3. It helps convert traffic into leads
One of the advantages of blogging in your business is providing value to your readers. You are giving them information about what they're searching for. In addition, blogging enables us to solve readers' pain points and nurture and convert them into customers. Also, through blogging, you are differentiating your business from your competitors. in addition, all this blogging time will convey that you value your potential customers, which will make you more trustworthy. This is why effective content marketing and writing skills are essential to starting a blog and providing readers with value. Nowadays, when consumers are looking for something, they always search online. Thus, blogging helps your business build online visibility and credibility. Also, blogging allows interaction with your visitors by replying to their comments. Or you can also repurpose your blog on your email marketing as a form of FREE value-based content.
4. It drives long-term results
One of the reasons you create and post a blog is to provide solutions to your target customer's searches (problems). Also, blogging is an avenue for nurturing the relationship you have with your leads and customers. On top of that, by blogging consistently, you are establishing authority over your site visitors. Authority can not make sales the moment you publish. But, as a business, the most important thing to do is to establish authority for your target audience. This is because authority establishes trust, and trust is pivotal to converting a visitor or into a customer.
5. It helps you share company news
Another advantages of blogging is, it is also a medium for information sharing. For instance, you re-branded your business. Publishing an article that explains everything allows you to update your customers on the new trend. Another thing is if you have new products and want to provide a how-to article on using those products.
Need Help with Blogging for Your Business?
Starting blogging in your business requires a lot of effort and time. these factors should not hinder you from embracing this opportunity. Through outsourcing, you can begin blogging while focusing on the core task of your business. And if you need help when it comes to out sourcing, Surge Marketplace Digital Services is here to assist you. Surge is the world's one-stop freelancing marketplace where companies and independent contractors can meet and find training, services, and solutions. Surge it today!
Source: https://courses.thesurgemarketplace.com